Put this one on the fridge, ma! Nobody can storyboard a scene of ultimate holiday destruction like yours truly! The assignment was to draw a room in the first panel, something happening to that room in the second panel, and then the result in the 3rd panel.
I don't even remember the last time I got an A+. Second grade maybe? Defintely not in a college environment. But hell, this is Canada. Maybe they hand 'em out like kettle corn. Oh and another thing, the actual grade on it was a 93%, but I guess thats an A+ according to the proffessor. Ihzzhn't Zhat Vheerd?!
It's on the fridge, babe!...love you!
where's the kitties at!
Santa Claus exploded!
Hey Brock!! This is way cool! We sure missed you on Thanksgiving! Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. (Jake had a storyboard project due for his filmstudies class, so... we are borrowing some ideas from you. Hope you don't mind - too bad he didn't get at least one artistic gene - think you got everyones.!)
Auntie jill
That's a sweet explosion
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