Here's a character design assignment where we got to go back and re-visit some characters we've already animated. Let it also be known that yellow cake with chocolate frosting is the world's most delicious food. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!
I draw and watch cartoons. RECENTLY GRADUATED SHERIDAN!
those are sweet brock, great expressions on the bear.
Woweee Brock.
When they are all cleaned with the line coloured separately it looks really professional. This will look excellent in your portfolio.
I just found your website while looking for info on how to make my own light table. That's a great blog. well that s some very nice work you have here Brock. I love it! Keep us updated.
Very cartoony, full of motion.
I'm lovin' it!
Dang... Now mine looks worse. LOL
Beauty man. The colour really makes it pop.
Also, orange cake with chocolate icing is my dad's favourite :P
You are one sick sick dude! I love it. You totally made my day:)
Brock! Those are fantastic!! I love the pig! Pigs are hilarious. I love the look of that brown frosting smoodged all over the place too. ha ha Nice Camp Crystal Lake deal too. I didn't expect that. That was like British comedy, that was.
I didn't get a chance to comment on your last post with the animation -- it's so solid and funny! Nice voice acting too!
I missed the cake the first time my eyes went over that drawing and it looked to me as if he were wallowing in a bag of lard or perhaps the contents of a zit. That would certainly give him more reason to be embarassed.
And yes, I did draw that whole newspaper, and it's KOREAN, you insensitive cracker.
These have a lot of life....Gj
Wow!!! Sweeet work dude! Reeeal sweeet! Love em! I really really do
lol you don't really need me to say that these are awesome, but I'm gonna say it anyways- awesome job man!
I am trying to make a new model for Age of Pirates. I was just going to do myself, but then somebody else asked me to do Davy Jones, so I figured it would be more of a challenge, and I'd just do myself whenever. lol 7 hours later I figured out that if I had only taken a snapshot of the teacher's head model midway through production, I could have just used that to figure out how to adapt it to the shapes I need. lol DUh! oh well - I learned for next time.
Chocolate icing? Damn you're fancy. It's obviously yellow cake with brown icing. Yellow and brown being flavours on their own of course.
I love your work! it's funny and beautiful!!! you have a great future!
This is it.
I like your work. Really fabulous.
King of the Hill Episodes
Fantastic stuff.
Watch Bones Episodes
Quite helpful material, thank you for this post.
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